The Cell
by Eden Weathers
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The Cell
More than thirty-five years ago, the world as we knew it was irrevocably changed. No one anticipated the economic collapse of a superpower like the United States or the mayhem that ensued because of it. Americans fed up with corporate greed and a corrupt government took up arms against a powerful, internal enemy in an ill-fated attempt to take back a life worth living. The revolution became known as the Econ-War, and resulted in ten years of death and destruction. With our population diminished by half, the entire world felt the aftershock of our demise. The Vose corporation, a leader in weapons and defense technology since WWI developed and erected the first Membrane in 2038, finally putting an end to a decade of violence. Led by Dr. Victoria Vose more Membranes were erected on the skeletons of once great cities from coast to coast. With each new Membrane, a Cell was created and we became more divided than ever before. Inside, Citizens voluntarily sacrifice their privacy and freedom in exchange for sanctuary and security. Outside, we are surviving - barely…
Coming soon…
Nora returns in the sequel, MindCleanse, to face an even greater enemy - One that isn’t made of flesh and blood. In unchecked pursuit of her vision for a better world, Dr. Victoria Vose has created a virtual monster, and she herself is now locked inside her own creation. Her granddaughter Nora is her only connection to the outside world and may be their only hope. Having recently escaped The Cell, former Scout 247893 (AKA Kayo) vowed never to return, but Nora has other plans. Hellbent on finding a way to save the Hosts - Citizens whose minds have been hijacked by Artificial Intelligence, Kayo is forced to choose between Nora and his own survival. With the help of her new friends, the cloaked, Nora must defeat an enemy she can’t reach, an enemy with eyes and ears everywhere and an army of subservient Hosts…